On account of International Women’s Day on 8/3/2019, StrirogPrasutitantra Dept. of BMAM, Nagpur had arranged a guest lecture on the“Streevikara And Basti” by Vd. Meera Aurangabadkar. Staff and students of college were enlightened by the informative lecture. They also arranged speech, poster and rangoli competition for the students. The program was conducted under the guidance of Dr.Alnewar,Principal, by Dr. Shah, Dr.Chawle and Dr.Giri.

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fn-21@11@2019 jksth L=hjksx&izlwrhra= foHkkx o American Oncology Institute ;kaP;k la;qDr fo|ekuku sCancer Detection Screening Camp. Hkk-eq-vk-egk- o :X.kky;] ukxiwj ;sFk svk;ksftr dsy kxsyk-;klkBh mifLFkr MkW- ek/kqjhxkoaMs o R;kaph fVe ;kauh fo|kFkhZ o deZpkjh ;kaauk ;ksX; ekxZn’kZu dsys- rlsp ;k dk;ZØeklkBh egkfo|ky;kP;k izkpk;kZ MkW- vyusokj] MkW- HkkxMdj (Deputy Superintendent), MkW- vfiZrk ‘kkg (Hod] fL=jksx o izlwrhra= fMikVZesaV)] MkWfxjh(MO)]MkW fiz;k poys]MkW Qk;s(President, Lions Club, Nagpur)] MkW- jk.ks (Secretory, Lions Club, Nagpur), MkW- Hkyes] MkW- rueus] js[kkeqys] js[kkdkacGs] baVuZfo|kFkhZ o fo|kFkhZuh mifLFkrgksrs- ;k f’kchjkr ,dw.k 28 :X.kkauh dWaalj fLØuhaxpk ykHk ?ksryk-