Criterion 4 - Infrastructure and Learning Resources (100)
- Extract of Audited Statement showing expenditure incurred for infrastructure development and augmentation duly signed by CA and Principal
- Audited Statements for five assessment years
- Extract of outpatients and inpatients in the hospital duly certified by Principal
- Detailed report of activities with photographs and students list as per data template
- Geotag picture of health centers
- E-copy of order for allotment of PHC and proof of residential facility available for students
- E-copy of membership and subscription letter for the above facilities
- Extract of Audited Statement showing expenditure incurred for the purchase of books and journals duly signed by CA and Principal
- Extract of minutes of meetings of the Library committee approving the budget for latest academic year along with bill/invoice copy
- Audited Statements for five assessment years
- Weblink e-content resources used by teachers
- Geotagged pictures of the classroom showing ICT facilities such as projectors/wi-fi and audio system
- Bill copy of internet connection highlighting speed and bandwidth
- Extract of Audited Statement showing expenditure incurred for maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities duly signed by CA and Principal
- Audited Statements for five assessment years